Hi, I’m
Adam Elitzur
Programmer and Python Instructor
About Me
I'm a first-year at MIT studying Computer Science. I have been learning programming for over 5 years and really love
it. I started with Python, and then web development, specifically
HTML, CSS, and JS, where I built many projects. I then learned Java.
Now I am getting into machine learning, which is a whole new world
that I am very excited about.
I completed three programming courses,
Colt Steele's Web Development Bootcamp, Modern Python 3 Bootcamp,
and CS50 (Harvard's Introduction to Computer Science), which I
completed the summer before 9th grade. Studying alongside first year
students at Harvard and successfully solving the same problem sets
that they were all given, gave me the confidence to continue on this
I am interested in programming mainly because I love the feeling of
constant learning, problem-solving, and being challenged. Learning
programming comes naturally to me, and I feel that the community
around programming is very supportive, which I really like too.
I also love teaching, and therefore, I volunteered to teach
programming to students in the United States last year with the
partnership between Coditum and Hudson Scholars. After Coditum
formed another partnership with the non-profit Goldeneye Foundation,
which supports underprivileged youth in Jamaica, I was asked to
teach Python to Jamaican students under this program.